“International Meskhetian Turks Sympossium” organized under the cooperation of Erzincan Governorship, Erzincan University, and DATUB will be held on 11-12-13 May.
International Meskhetian Turks Sympossium aims to bring to researchers carrying out studies with interdisciplinarly perspectives on Meskhetian Turks together.
In the sympossium to be held in Erzincan University LAw Faculty Campus, totally 136 presentations discussing the topics on geography, demography, linguistics, religious life, literature, education, economy, philosophy, migration, visual arts, daily life, city researches, identity, cultural structure, music, cinema, helath, politics sicence, social memory, history and social structure will be carried out. The sympossium will last for three days on 11-12-13 May with the participation of nearly 180 scientists.
For more detailed information on the sympossium, you can click to http://ahiskalilar.ebyu.edu.tr.