
The foundation of Erzincan University is laid upon Erzincan Vocational School and Erzincan School of Education ( former Institute of Education ) which were first constituted in 1976, depending on the Ministry of Education, and then joined Atatürk University upon the decree-law No.41

On 11.07.1992, the School of Education was converted into the Faculty of Education, and continued undergraduate level education on primary school teaching, depending upon Atatürk University Rectorate.

Depending on the law No.3389 dated 27.06.1987, the Faculty of Law was founded. The faculty started education in 1991. However, after the great earthquake happened on 13.03.1992, the education had to be continued in the Faculty of Law in Ankara University then. In 1994, the education started again in Erzincan Faculty of Education.

The School of Health was established depending upon a cooperation protocol dated 22.11.1996 between the Ministry of Health and YOK( The Council of Higher Education), relying upon cabinet decree No.8655 dated 10.10.1996 that was published on the Official Journal on 02.11.1996. The school started education in the academic year 1999-2000.

Depending on the cabinet decree published on the Official Journal on 16.07.2003 the Faculty of Arts and Sciences was founded. The faculty started education in the academic year 2004-2005.

Within 1991-2004, Erzincan School of Theology and some vocational schools in the towns of Refahiye, Tercan ve Kelkit were established. Education was given in those schools, depending on Atatürk University.

Erzincan University was founded on 01.03.2006, depending on the law No. 5467.

After the law became valid, the following schools and faculties depended on Atatürk University and Fırat University joined Erzincan University. These were:
·        The Faculty of Education
·        The Faculty of Law
·        The Faculty of Arts and Sciences
·        The School of Health
·        Erzincan Vocational School
·        The Vocational School of Theology
·        Refahiye Vocational School
·        Tercan Vocational School
·        Kelkit Aydın Doğan Vocational School
Depended on Fırat University
·        Kemaliye Hacı Ali Akın Vocational School
After the foundation of Erzincan University, the following schools, institutes and faculties were also established
·        Institute of Social Sciences
·        Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences
·        Institute of Health Sciences
·        The Faculty of Medicine
·        The Faculty of Engineering
·        The Vocational School of Health Services
·        Kemah Vocational School
The new campus area for Erzincan University was reserved by cabinet decree, No.2006/111.05. It is composed of 1225 decares of estates that have been allotted so far and additional estates considered to be allotted in near future. The area is adjacent to Yalnızbağ neighborhood on the 12th kms of the motorway between Erzincan-Sivas.